Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 halaman 171
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 halaman 171 Chapter 9
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 halaman 171 Chapter IX merupakan alternatif Jawaban dari soal-soal Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP/MTs Chapter 9 You get what tou earn semester 2. Jawaban yang kami berikan hanya berupa jawaban alternatif saja, sebagai referensi bagi adik-adik . Rajin lah belajar dan membaca dari berbgai sumber agar khasanah pengetahuannya bertambah. Sebaiknya adik-adik mencoba alternatif jawaban sendiri.
Dengan adanya pembahasan kunci jawaban seperti ini diharapkan dapat membantu peserta didik Kelas IX SMP/MTs dalam menjawab soal-soal baik sebagai Tugas Individu maupun Kelompok. Dan Juga dapat menjadi Referensi untuk soal ulangan seperti soal penilaian harian , soal penialain tengah semester , soal penilaian akhir tahun, maupun tugas pekerjaan rumah (PR). Semoga bermanfaat bagi adik adik.
Kunci jawaban bahasa Inggris smp kelas 9 halaman 171 Chapter 9
1. Udin is saying that the roads are not safe now, because many people do not drive carefully. They drive too fast.
2. According to Udin, many pedestrians get accidents because _________.
Jawaban : because they don't cross the road carefully or because they walk too close to the traffic
3. According to Lina, because ___________________________________,
there are many traffic jams in big cities.
Jawaban : because on the roads
4. Lina is also saying that you need more time to go from one place to
another now because _______________________________________.
Jawaban : because there are traffic jams everywhere
5. Beni goes to school on foot because he thinks ____________________.
Jawaban : because he thinks walking is healthy
6. In Beni’s opinion his father is always healthy because _______________.
Jawaban : because his father goes to his office by bike
7. Siti thinks her father saves the environment because _______________.
Jawaban : because her father also rides on his bicycle to work
8. In Edo’s opinion the air pollution is very bad now because ___________.
Jawaban : because more and more people drive or ride on their motorcycle to work or to school
9. Edo also thinks that because_______________________________
people get sick easily now.
Jawaban : because the air is dirty
10. In Dayu’s opinion city people can see few stars in the sky at night because _________________________________________________.
Jawaban : because the air in big cities is polluted by the smoke from motor vehicles
11. Dayu also thinks that there are more stars in the village than in the city
Jawaban : because the sky is very clear ther
Demikian Pembaca Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 9 halaman 171 Chapter 9 buku siswa kelas 9 SMP/MTs kurikulum 2013.
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