Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 halaman 154, 160
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman 154, 160 Chapter 10
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman 154, 160 Chapter 10 merupakan alternatif Jawaban dari soal-soal Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP/MTs Chapter 10 When I was child semester 2. Jawaban yang kami berikan hanya berupa jawaban alternatif saja, sebagai referensi bagi adik-adik . Rajin lah belajar dan membaca dari berbgai sumber agar khasanah pengetahuannya bertambah. Sebaiknya adik-adik mencoba alternatif jawaban sendiri.
Dengan adanya pembahasan kunci jawaban seperti ini diharapkan dapat membantu peserta didik Kelas VIII SMP/MTs dalam menjawab soal-soal baik sebagai Tugas Individu maupun Kelompok. Dan Juga dapat menjadi Referensi untuk soal ulangan seperti soal penilaian harian , soal penialain tengah semester , soal penilaian akhir tahun, maupun tugas pekerjaan rumah (PR). Semoga bermanfaat bagi adik adik.
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman 154 Chapter 10
Jawaban :
Dayu when she was in kindergarten
- She started her kindergarten when she was five years old.
- She did her kindergarten for two years, one year in kindy A and one year in kindy B.
- Her kindy was near from her home.
- She walked to her kindy with her mom or her brother.
- Sometimes she went with her dad on his motorcycle.
- In the classroom, her teacher read them stories.
- The students sang happy songs.
- They coloured pictures.
- They played with dough and colorful paper.
- In the playground, they played sliding.
- They ran round.
- They also played hide and seek.
Dayu when she was in primary school.
- She started her primary school when she was seven years old.
- She finished her primary school when she was twelve years old.
- She also walked to school.
- Her school was only 200 meters from her home.
- She went to school with her brother or with her friends.
- Sometimes her dad took her to school on his motorcycle.
- Sometimes she walked to school by herself.
- She learned many new things in primary school.
- She learned to write and to read in Grade 1 and Grade 2.
- Her favourite teacher was Mrs. Ningrum.
- Mrs. Ningrum was very smart.
- Mrs. Ningrum taught the students traditional dances and songs.
- She also taught the students to plant trees and take care of the garden.
- One day she took the students to the local library to borrow books.
Dayu's sweet memories in primary school
- She and Her friends often helped Pak Min, the janitor.
- Because he had so much work to do.
- We felt happy when we could help him.
- Her Physical Education (PE) teacher, Mr. Laode, often took the students to walk around the hills and along the river near their school.
- They took a rest under the trees when they were tired.
- She learned to ride on a bicycle in the schoolyard in the afternoon after school.
- Then she could ride in the small streets in the neighbourhood with her friends.
- She and her friends often spent hours chatting in the small green yard near the Kelurahan office.
- The boys climbed the big trees.
- They also swam in the river.
- It was still very clean at that time.
Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman 160 Chapter 10
Jawaban :
Past Tense and Present Tense
1. Past: She was in Grade VII last year.
Present: She is in Grade VIII now.
2. Past: She learned many new things.
Present: She learns more things now.
3. Past: She rode to school on her bike for the first time.
Present: She rides her bike to school now.
4. Past: She met boys and girls from the different parts of the town for the first time.
Present: She plays with them now.
5. Past: She was very happy when she wore the blue and white uniform for the first time.
Present: She wears them now.
6. Past: She learned English for the first time last year.
Present: She learns English now.
7. Past: She learned to greet other people in English.
Present: She can greet other people in English now.
8. Past: She learned to introduce herself in English.
Present: She can introduce herself in English now.
9. Past: She learned to describe her family, her friends, and her school in English.
Present: She can describe her family, her friends, and her school in English now.
10. Past: She sang her first English song.
Present: She can sing in English now.
11. Past: She read her first English story.
Present: She can read her stories in English now.
12. Past: She was not a class captain.
Present: She is a class captain now.
13. Past: She did not do many things for her class.
Present: She does many things for her class.
Demikian Pembaca Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 halaman 154, 160 Chapter 10 buku siswa kelas 8 SMP/MTs kurikulum 2013.
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